And one I love In Doing English, I don't just want you to speak English I don't even want you to speak English well I want you to speak English VERY well — I want you to be the best of the best, the elite of the Englishspeaking world That's the level I aimed for with my second language And it's what you should aim for, too How to Speak English VERY Well?Viele übersetzte BeispielsätzeSpeak well for sth v expr verbal expression Phrase with special meaning functioning as verbfor example, "put their heads together," "come to an end" figurative (commend) hablar bien de, dejar en buen lugar loc verb locución verbal Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como verbo ("sacar fuerzas de flaqueza", "acusar recibo")If you want to know how to say I don't speak English very well in Urdu, you will find the translation here We hope this will help you to understand Urdu better Here is the translation and the Urdu word...